Cyber Security

Semperis Launches Delegation Manager to Reduce Risky Identity System Account Permissions Frequently Exploited by Cyberattackers

Semperis Delegation Manager helps IT teams easily enforce a security-first identity system delegation model to reduce over-privileged accounts and excessive access rights, accelerate remediation of risky access rights, and improve agility in responding to user access needs

Semperis, a pioneer in identity-driven cyber resilience, today announced the release of Delegation Manager, an Active Directory (AD) rights management solution that allows granular control of permissions to specific groups, saving time for IT teams tasked with access control while closing security gaps that cyberattackers routinely exploit.  

ā€œDelegation Manager helps IT and security teams guard against permission sprawl that is a persistent security problem for many organisations because excessive privileges are granted out of convenience,ā€ said Darren Mar-Elia, Semperis VP of Products. ā€œCyberattackers routinely target vulnerabilities left by misconfigurations related to access-control lists (ACLs) and remediating these security gaps is time-consuming and error-prone. Delegation Manager makes it faster and easier for teams to selectively grant permissions only to the groups that need them, improving overall security posture and reducing the risk of ACL-based attacks.ā€

CISA cites various forms of risky access rights in its list of top AD misconfigurations that lead to cyberattacks, including bypass of system access controls, improper separation of user and administrative privileges, and insufficient ACLs on network shares and services. Delegation Manager provides a layer of role-based access control on AD that helps organisations easily implement a secure delegation model to simplify policy management, access management, and security automation, including:

  • Creating and managing policies to securely delegate administrative privileges
  • Monitoring user-initiated directory security changes
  • Reinforcing policy compliance through seamless directory reapplication
  • Controlling access rights with a built-in policy wizard
  • Seamlessly importing preconfigured delegation permissions
  • Seeing a clear visualisation of policy application
  • Quickly identifying users with directory permissions

ā€œMany organisations struggle to implement a solid AD delegation model, which can lead to security vulnerabilities, operational inefficiencies, and difficulties in user access management,ā€ said Semperis CEO Mickey Bresman. ā€œIT teams need to be able to respond quickly to user access needs without granting excessive privileges that cyberattackers can abuse. Delegation Manager automates delegation rights management so IT teams can move faster while reducing cyberattack risk across the identity system.ā€

Delegation Manager builds on Semperisā€™ identity resilience platform, which provides comprehensive threat prevention, detection, and response solutions before, during, and after an identity-related cyberattack.

For more information about Delegation Manager, visit:


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