Future of AI

Artificial Intelligence is propelling, and so is the women of the AI Industry!

The world of artificial intelligence is associated with everyone – right from the “tiny toddlers” to “Netflix and chill” generation. AI has influenced every aspect of human life and it assists in almost every scenario — whether you realize it or not. So it’s only right on 2020 woman’s day we look at women of the AI industry.

women of the ai industry

AI is transforming every industry, grabbing significant attention around the world. But who are the people behind these incredible breakthroughs and creative ideas, in the industry? And how does it all occur?

Well, on this International Women’s Day, we would like to recognise all the women out there making difference to the world of AI (in their respective ways). 

All it takes is your interest, hard work and diverse thinking from different backgrounds and expertise to march forward and brainstorm some amazing ideas.

But all of this is easier said than done. The struggle is real, yes that’s true – AI has not always been a charm for many women out there! There are multiple hurdles, they face to make a mark in the world.

Passage to Education

The AI industry requires a blend of varied niche fields, which are not accessible by many women across the globe.

Lack of Knowledge 

Being a niche industry, AI lacks awareness. Major AI players need to take the lead to bring information, awareness, and knowledge to this industry.

Few Role Models

Same as STEM fields, the AI industry is predominantly male-dominated. Apart from this, there are very few female AI practitioners, and analogously few women to look to for mentorship.

But here’s a piece of happy news (this women’s day) – the gender gap is flinching steadily. Yes, women aren’t giving up! Rather, they are working hard towards making a significant impact in the world of information and technology.

Women are continually emerging to overcome personal and professional challenges and become role models for the industry. 

How AI can embrace more women

Many AI organizations have introduced awards to acknowledge accomplishments by women in this industry, for example, BCSWomen AI Accelerator aims to make AI more relevant to women and encourage more females into computing.

Awards or accelerator programs solely may not drive women to pursue a career in AI, but these awards do bring needed recognition to the importance of women in AI.

This level of visibility not only presents women with well-deserved appreciation but also raises the level of visibility of women in AI in general. 

With continued and increased leadership, major AI companies together can encourage more young women to pursue careers in AI.

Happy Women’s Day 2020!


  • Reetwija Chakraborty

    Woking as a Business Change Management Specialist at Digilytics AI, an economics grad from King’s College London and a business consultant with 3 years of experience in Strategy & Risk Consulting, Business Development in investment strategy projects for Albright Stonebridge Group & the United Nations. At present, Reetwija is involved with change management for a specialist lender in the UK to support their transformation roadmap and pursue growth.

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