Press Release

WeLearn Learning Services Partners with Ardent Health Services to Build Talent Pipelines for Allied Health Professionals

The partnership provides upskilling and reskilling solutions

CHICAGO–(BUSINESS WIRE)–#WeLearnWeLearn Learning Services, a leading learning and workforce development company, is thrilled to announce a landmark partnership with Ardent Health Services, one of the nation’s top health systems. This collaboration aims to facilitate the staffing and development of allied health professionals within Ardent’s expansive network, which manages more than 3.2 million annual patient encounters across 30 hospitals and over 200 care sites in six states.

WeLearn’s Ready to Work will serve a dual role in supporting Ardent Health’s skilled nursing population. First, WeLearn’s solutions will focus on the internal upskilling and reskilling of current staff. Second, WeLearn will contribute to building an external talent pipeline. Together, these approaches will play a pivotal role in strengthening Ardent Health’s workforce.

“We could not be more excited about our new partnership with Ardent Health,” said WeLearn Founder / CEO, Sean Stowers. “Ardent’s commitment to building its talent pipelines – both internally and externally – is an example of the type of forward-thinking healthcare organizations need to ensure they are able to deliver the quality of care their patients expect.”

One of the engagements includes WeLearn working in partnership with Tyler Junior College (TJC) to provide health system staff members in Texas the opportunity to receive training that will maximize current roles and provide pathways for future employment and advancement.

“We are pleased to have the opportunity to provide area healthcare professionals with the needed tools to continue their education while providing excellent patient care,” said Brent Wallace, Dean for the School of Skilled Trades and Continuing Studies at TJC.

Ready to Work builds internal pipelines of allied health talent and strategically places healthcare aides in roles that align with Ardent Health Services’ needs. These programs aim to enhance the capabilities of Ardent’s existing allied health professionals, thus ensuring both new and current staff are optimally positioned to meet the healthcare system’s evolving demands.

To learn more about Ready to Work and its innovative workforce development solutions, visit

About WeLearn

WeLearn is on a mission to help organizations build better humans through learning. It provides a full range of services to assist its partners in building world-class learning. WeLearn is also the recipient of numerous Brandon Hall Group Awards.



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