Cyber Security

Top 15 Hacks of 2022 and How to Protect Yourself from Them

Technological devices such as computers are now inherent in the activities of most people. Many people whose jobs and tasks depend on this device. The use of computers has proven to be effective in completing various tasks.

However, that does not mean that computer users can relax when doing activities with their devices. Various kinds of computer viruses and hacks can attack files and systems on computers or even hack and steal their personal information.

Most of the threats that affect computer security come from viruses and computer hacks. Computer users are forced to always be vigilant and install antivirus software on the computer to prevent this computer virus infection.

There are various types of computer viruses that can harm your device. Reporting from, here are the types of computer viruses and hacks that you need to be aware of.

15 Hacks of 2022

1. Trojans

A trojan is a type of computer virus that is created with the aim of stealing data and can even be used to control data on the victim’s computer. This virus usually appears through the internet and emails users receive.

It is through this media that the Trojan infects the user’s computer. That’s why you need some safety measures. We recommend to download wireguard to be more protected against this trouble. With it, you can always be safe. Also, you must be careful when accessing the internet or opening an email because this virus can steal valuable information on the computer.

2. Worm

Although this hack isn’t too dangerous, the worm can quickly cause your storage to be full. The reason is that the worm itself is a virus that can reproduce itself. Of course, this can not be left on the computer too long.

3. Memory Resident

Memory Resident Virus is a type of computer virus that was created to infect RAM memory. Of course, the effects of this virus will interfere with computer programs and can even make the computer very slow. The Memory Resident Virus will automatically activate when the computer operating system is turned on.

4. Multipartite

The function is almost the same as the Memory Resident Virus, which attacks RAM memory, infecting certain operating systems and penetrating the hard drive. If not addressed immediately, this virus will be alarming.

5. Web Scripting

Web Scripting is actually not a virus but is a program code that is used to operate the content on the website. Why is it classified as a virus? Despite its function, however, because Web Scripting often interferes with computer programs,

6. FAT Virus

FAT Virus or File Allocation Table Virus is a computer virus that can damage files on our computer devices. In addition, the ability of this virus, which is very dangerous, is that it can easily hide our important files

7. Companion Virus

Companion Virus is also a type of virus that can interfere with our personal data. This virus is difficult to detect because it can hide on the hard disk and even change our data format into a fake file format.

8. Polymorphic Virus

Polymorphic Virus is a virus that is very difficult to detect and clean because the virus itself has a slightly clever ability. The reason is, Polymorphic viruses can make themselves passwords automatically when it’s infecting the system.

9. Directory Virus

A directory Virus is a kind of virus that can infect files with a .exe extension; the way it works is to make the .exe program disappear or error for no apparent reason while it is running.

10. Macro Virus

Macro viruses will usually interfere and infect macro files such as .docm, .xls, .pps, and the like. This virus is made with the programming language of an application; in fact, it is considered more complicated than the programming language of an operating system. For its own spread, Macro Virus often comes from emails that users receive.

11. Melissa

Started the era of mass email malware that caused a global epidemic. People were suffering from it since it was easy to spread and able to steal personal data.

12. Slammer

The file-less worm caused a massive epidemic worldwide. Again, another problem that causes chaos in the digital world. Although it’s a worm it’s definitely harmful.

13. Cabir

The first Proof-of-Concept for Symbian was propagated via Bluetooth. It’s a dangerous hack that was really harmful to many people’s devices.

14. Leap

The first Mac virus, Worm Storm [Zhelatin], pioneered the use of distributed C&C servers. As you might expect, it was first attacking Mac devices.

15. Conficker

It’s one of the largest epidemics in history. The hack had infected companies, home users, and governments in more than 200 countries.

How to Protect the System from Hacker Attacks?

Hackers carry out several attacks with various techniques. They can also exploit vulnerabilities in a system in order to obtain unauthorized access. To protect the system from various hacker attacks, there are several things you can do, such as:

  • Always use strong and unique passwords. Also, make sure not to use the same password for all your accounts.
  • Routinely update the software you use. This needs to be done because outdated software or software that has never been updated is software that has many vulnerabilities. You can use automatic updates for your device, program, or application.
  • Do not open suspicious links. Usually, hackers will insert malicious links, which can install malware or malicious programs automatically when the target victim opens the link.
  • Make sure your website uses HTTPS or Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.
  • Do not access private data on public networks / public wifi

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