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The Value of Earning an A+ Certification in IT

The Value of Earning an A+ Certification in IT

If you’re planning on a career in the IT field or want to continue advancing, you’re probably going to need CompTIA A+ certification. A benefit of CompTIA A+ certification is its ability to help further your career, and it’s not the only one. 

Some of the advantages of CompTIA A+ certification are obvious, while others may be a little surprising. If you’re not sure if getting CompTIA A+ certification is necessary for your IT career, here are a few reasons why you may want to sign up to take the exam.

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Advantages of CompTIA A+ Certification

So, You probably know having CompTIA A+ certification indicates you understand computer software and hardware fundamentals. 


You have the skills necessary for troubleshooting issues in a range of devices from cell phones to computers and networks. The certificate can help you start and advance a career in the IT industry. Did you know more and more employers are looking for CompTIA A+ certification in their job candidates?


Along with giving you an edge over job candidates without CompTIA A+ certification, here are some other advantages of being certified.

Job Flexibility

Unlike some certificates that are sponsored by specific hardware or software developers and manufacturers that solely focus on their products, CompTIA A+ certification is different. The course and exams aren’t vendor-based. Instead, you focus on building your core tech knowledge and skills.

An example is Microsoft. If you go through a Microsoft course, you can learn everything there is to know about the software giant’s products. You can master every function on an Excel sheet but this knowledge doesn’t translate to products from other software manufacturers. This can limit the types of jobs that need this specific skill set.

Did you know your CompTIA A+ certificate also has ISO/ANSI accreditation status? This means your certificate is recognized internationally. Just imagine landing a job at an international company thanks to your CompTIA A+ certificate.

Freedom to Work Almost Anywhere

It is also important to take note that not all IT professionals work in an enclosed structure marked by the time clock. The complete flexibility in where you can work when you are a certified CompTIA A+ information technology specialist.

Your certification can lead to both in-office and virtual, as well as a combination of both, opportunities. You may even work from home, which severs various purposes including the balance between work and life, which is a goal that almost all individuals want to achieve.

Although, your certificate will help you secure a less strenuous position in the IT field faster without much stress. Employment flexibility can allow someone to work from home or even come to work a few days a week, which would give one ample time with friends and family.

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See a Boost in Pay

High pay for a young adult signifies that at such age the individual has become prosperous, thus, people see a boost in pay.

It is still worth mentioning that positions in the sphere of IT usually provide a healthy wage, but the presence of CompTIA A+ certificate, can enhance it.

It is an internationally recognized certification and can enable you begin your career in information technology. Your certificate may be the key to receiving the next employment opportunity over the other qualified persons. When the time comes that you surf for a raise, having a CompTIA A+ certificate can be the cause why employees see an increase in pay.

The certificate also assists one to progress in careers and as you move up the ladder, your annual earnings will be higher. Thus, CompTIA A+ certification can assist to achieve the intended career and salary level.

Indicates Your Serious About an IT Career

You cannot say just because he is not IT certified, specifically CompTIA A+, then that he/she is unserious about the job. They may have similar goals and desires as you; only you are doing something to ensure your career goals are achieved.

Taking the CompTIA+ courses and preparing for the examination is a task. The effort you are likely to apply, as well as the finances you are willing to use should be considered as you make a bid to gain CompTIA A+ certification. Holders of this commitment know it shows the employers you are committed to the IT career path.

You are well-organized when it comes to updates on IT advancements and you are devoted to enhance your knowledge. It is characteristics such as this that employers like to meet in their existing and future employees.

You Get a Sense of Achievement

As the last cliché shows, people get the notion that they deserve the achievement.

For any person to go through the coursework or even studying for the CompTIA A+ exam, some amount of time and money is required since the online courses attract some fee.

If you decide to study on your own, the expenditures may be fewer in regard to course fees, but it still requires time to review the material anyway. You also need to buy two test vouchers once you are ready to sit for the exam. In fact, just being able to sit through the exam could take only 90 minutes for the each section. Yes, the exam consists of two sections and for each section you are provided with ninety minutes.

That being the case, every time and every dollar spent in proctoring the exam and obtaining the CompTIA A+ certificate is worth the achievement. Gaining CompTIA A+ certification can make you feel complete. At the same time, it is useful to have a certificate and the fact that you can hang it on a wall is a bonus.

You’re Becoming Part of a Community

Did you know there are currently around 1 million people with CompTIA A+ certification? Once you’re certified, you join this exclusive community of IT professionals. 

You can join online and in-person communities where you can continue to learn from others with more experience in the IT field. You can ask for advice, form discussion groups, and simply interact with others who have similar career goals.

Along with taking advantage of groups formed during CompTIA A+ coursework and study groups, you can also find peers on social media platforms. Try LinkedIn, Reddit, and even Facebook if you want to find established groups or like-minded individuals to start your own. You can even join local, national, and international CompTIA A+ communities.

There Are Advantages to Having CompTIA A+ Certification

Getting a job in the IT field and consequent promotion is one of the reasons that make candidates sit for the CompTIA A+ certification exam.

But the payoff is not restricted to the ability to attain your first job in your dreamed company. This means that with this certification you are guaranteed a better pay, flexible working and you get to be part of a prestigious group of certified professionals.

These are some of the advantages of CompTIA A+ certification, which might assist you in deciding whether you need to get it for the growth of your IT career. Just like literally putting your money where your mouth is, which to a large extent in today’s world is a sure way of moving up the ladder in one’s career.


  • I'm Erika Balla, a Hungarian from Romania with a passion for both graphic design and content writing. After completing my studies in graphic design, I discovered my second passion in content writing, particularly in crafting well-researched, technical articles. I find joy in dedicating hours to reading magazines and collecting materials that fuel the creation of my articles. What sets me apart is my love for precision and aesthetics. I strive to deliver high-quality content that not only educates but also engages readers with its visual appeal.

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