Press Release

Family Insight Launches Revolutionary Healthcare Delivery System

Virginia-based behavioral health service provider Family Insight introduces an innovative, comprehensive healthcare model for its patients.

RICHMOND, Va.–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Family Insight, Virginia’s leading provider of mental health and substance use disorder treatment, is proud to introduce a pioneer healthcare initiative called the Complete Care Model. This innovative approach represents a significant leap forward in patient-centered care, integrating all determinants of health—including physical, mental and social health—to streamline practices, reduce healthcare costs, and improve overall wellness.

Community-based health services such as these face tremendous obstacles, many of which could be improved by refocusing on patients and the nature of their unique needs with an emphasis on holistic well-being. By addressing each individual’s unique needs and goals, this model could redefine healthcare delivery.

The model’s holistic approach begins with three principles: educate, navigate, and advocate. Patients receive education on self-care, support in navigating the healthcare system, and advocacy for accessing necessary services and appointments. The result is prepared, empowered patients who can plan for the management of chronic conditions and know where to turn when health events arise.

The program’s key goals are to improve the overall healthcare experience and reduce healthcare costs. This means reducing preventable emergency room visits, ensuring safe housing and access to food, enhancing medication access, and establishing a primary care physician for annual health check-ups.

To reduce healthcare costs, providers work to expedite early access to care and avoid issues like unnecessary duplication of services and chronic condition-related ER visits. A costly problem the model addresses head-on is medication nonadherence—when a patient does not take a prescribed medicine or follow the provider’s instructions for taking the medicine. Medication nonadherence is often caused by barriers that can appear at the patient, provider, or health system level, and is estimated to cost the healthcare system an astounding $300 billion annually.

The Complete Care Model is backed by a pharmacist-led team of healthcare professionals, including 24/7 peer support access. Patients are empowered to understand their treatments and use medication safely, reducing medication-related emergencies. With this comprehensive pharmaceutical approach, the model ensures safe and effective medication adherence while considering patients’ physical, emotional, behavioral, and social health.

“Family Insight is committed to The Complete Care Model, which places the well-being of patients at the forefront,” says Sam Gray, CEO at Family Insight. “We’re excited to see this model in action and all of the positive outcomes that result for our patients.”

For media inquiries, please contact: Peter Doyle, Chief of Staff.

For clinical inquiries, please contact: Dr. Jennifer Switzer, Chief Clinical Officer.



Peter Doyle


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