Digital TransformationIoT

Toshiba Launches IoT Solution for Water Treatment Sites

Digital service solutions provider, Toshiba America, today announced in a company press release that it is releasing an IoT Solution Pack software application to support U.S. water and wastewater treatment facilities that want to modernise and optimise its operations.

The digital service solutions provider wrote that the IoT solution will deliver essential remote monitoring, visualisation, analytics, and data collection capabilities for customers and can be quickly and easily deployed allowing operators to connect a variety of devices to improve processes, reduce costs, and achieve new levels of efficiency and operational control.

Terry Cronin, Vice President of Business Development and Marketing at Toshiba America commented on how the IoT solution can help water and wastewater treatment facilities by saying: “This solution fills an important technology gap for many overburdened water and wastewater treatment facilities—helping them make the leap into IoT technology very quickly with relatively low cost and easy implementation. By relying on Toshiba IoT Solution Pack for data aggregation, operators can perform remote monitoring to reduce their on-site visits, save time, and focus on other ways to optimize operations and bring more strategic value to their sites.”

IoT devices, also known as smart devices, are changing the way companies can collect data by adding increased data points to an activity that can highlight areas of improvement, reduce costs, and allow the company to make more informed decisions.

The introduction of Toshiba America’s IoT solution shows that the technology is not just being used in wearables or home gadgets such as ICON.AI’s recently announced smart mirror and that IoT can be used in a countries infrastructure.

The digital service solutions provider explains that with the IoT solution, water treatment plants can expect to be able to create smart, connected facilities and drive near real-time visualization and optimization by connecting equipment and shifting process data and applications to the cloud through sensors, adapters, and more.

Digital service solutions
Credit: Toshiba America Digital Solutions

Toshiba America comments on how its IoT solution was brought on because of water and waste management sites needing to meet growing production demands and ever-stricter compliance and reporting requirements.

As Hani Khalaf, Middle East, Africa, Turkey, and Russia lead for the Internet of Things and Digital Cities Solutions at Dell Technologies highlights in his article ‘Why IoT and AI will be more relevant in a post-COVID-19 era‘ it’s likely we will see IoT be increasingly implemented in a countries infrastructure and for commercial use.

The digital service solutions provider wrote that the setup is easy and uses predefined templates that enable quick configuration of authorised gateways for customers to have a quick implementation. Once deployed, the software enables operators to quickly gain facility-wide visibility through remote monitoring. This can help customers detect issues in its water and waste management site before they become problems with the potential to boost productivity and reduce costly downtime.

Toshiba America claims that its IoT Solution Pack is flexible and scalable. Facilities can expect to start with a small number of target devices and grow over time by adding more devices or integrating with other systems. This enables water treatment plants to capitalise on IoT technology without a significant capital investment.

The digital service solutions provider has recently made what it identifies as measurable improvements for customers which include a recent deployment helped Fresno County Waterworks District 18 (FCWWD18) which has saved the plant 20 minutes/day in manual data entry and travel time, plus an additional 18 hours/month on reporting.

Dan Pearce, General Manager of FCWWD18 commented on how this launch has been beneficial for the company and the water industry by saying: “Toshiba IoT Solution Pack is giving us so many capabilities we never had before. But it’s also giving us the confidence of knowing we can provide excellent water stewardship for District 18 far into the future,” 

The digital service solutions provider highlighted that the IoT Solution Pack will be featured at the Water Environment Federation’s Technical Exhibition and Conference (WEFTEC) 2020, a virtual event happening 5–9 October 2020 with the IoT solution being available from Q4, 2020.


  • Tom Allen

    Founder of The AI Journal. I like to write about AI and emerging technologies to inform people how they are changing our world for the better.

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