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8 Amazing Vue.js Perks That Will Make Your Developer Life

Vue.js was developed primarily with the sole motive of easing the complexity of Java Script, for JS is a full-fledged language; however, on the other hand, Vue.js is only a framework or a library supporting the compact file sizes. The author/creator of Vue.js ‘Evan You’, at the point when the idea struck him, worked for Google and used to employ ‘Angular JS’ in projects. He summed the origin of the idea for Vue.js as This gave birth to Vue.js in early February of 2014.

At this juncture, prior to sharing with our readers the benefits Vue.js brought along for the program developers who wanted a lightweight framework for UI’s; let us talk a bit about what Vue.JS actually is.

Vue.js is an open-source front end Java Script framework for building user interfaces (UI’s) and single-page applications. It is a well-known name in the development of state-of-the-art web applications. Currently, it is looked upon as the most promising front-end technology, often given a mention in comparison to Angular and React.js.

Perks/Benefits a program developer can enjoy using Vue.js:

  1. Size

The brilliance of any JS system lies in its size because the smaller the system, the more developers download it. Vue.js easily beats other frameworks with regard to its size (just 30 kilobytes), loading time and usage. Furthermore, as compared to the bigger version systems presently available in the market, such as React.js (46KB), Angular.js (92KB), Ember.js (198KB), the size of Vue.js makes it facile for developers to download files instantaneously.

  • Simplicity

As mentioned formerly, the very idea behind developing Vue.js was to achieve a high-quality outcome with as slight effort as possible so that the developer can code using only a few lines. As a result, Vue.js is excellent for working with components also as it requires comparatively little overhead because single-file components can amass all the codes such as HTML, CSS, JS in just a single file.

  • Wide variety of tools

Vue.js framework comes with great ready-to-use tools that assist in faster development. e.g. Vue CLI is a tool of the Vue.js ecosystem that assists you in an array of functionalities such as Routing, PWA, State Store, Typescript, Unit testing, CSS Pre-processors etc.

  • Customization

Vue.js is an excellent tool for developers because all its functions are readily available. For ease in usage, developers can simply name the function as they like. In addition, every section can have separate functions, which makes it simple to tailor the application according to the individual requirements.

  • Highly impressive ecosystem

Vue contains a number of exceptionally wonderful instruments such as Vuex, Vue SSR, Vue Test Utils, Vue Router, Vue CLI, Vue Loader, which supports in highlights like Babel uphold, unit testing, start to finish testing devices, program investigating apparatuses etc.

  • Support

The support system of this framework is extremely noteworthy. E.g. after its launch in 2014, in the year 2015, every inquiry on the official platform was responded to. In 2018, more than 6,200 issues were resolved within an average time of only six hours. Moreover, Vue dispenses cycles of updated information, time after time. Also, Vue has continued support from its backend developers.

  • Single file components

Vue utilizes CBA (Component-based architecture) to develop interfaces or applications. Hence, it has advantages like component reusability, perfect fit for unit testing and code lucidity.

  • Integration

Vue can be integrated into other frameworks such as React. It can be used with a variety of existing web applications, enabling the developers to customize the project according to their individual requirements. One can create and alter a variety of web applications, experiment with JS applications, and handle even the HTML Blocks using Vue.js.

  • Rich Documentation

Vue.js contains a simple introductory guide and an overview of API, which permits even amateurs to compose their first applications with ease. In addition, Vue.js’s extensively detailed documentation available for the type of language makes it easy for the developers to execute coding with a wide variety of frameworks.

  1. Developer friendly

New programmers and developers who are amateurs and only know the basics of JS, HTML and CSS can develop their own Vue based application without any issue by simply going over the official guide of the framework, unlike Angular or React. Moreover, Vue can be used with commonly available editors without stressing about additional syntax extensions. Not only this, one can find its browser plug-in under Firefox and Chrome, making it easier to get started quickly.

 In a nutshell, it can be asserted that Vue.js is a powerful framework for developing user-interface. Furthermore, its customization features and small size make it a solid choice for developers looking for a user-friendly framework for web applications. Therefore, the world of program development can remain highly optimistic of the fact that this framework will continue to surprise them with its improved versions in the coming future.


  • Prashant Pujara

    Prashant Pujara is the Founder and CEO of MultiQoS Technologies, a leading web and React Native development company. For your business, you can hire react native app developers here. He is distinguished by out-of-the-box IT solutions throughout the domain, as he has 5+ years of expertise assisting Startups that are now worldwide leaders with creative solutions. He's known for his foresight and flexibility to changing technology and trends, and he's driven to making IT simple, accessible, and approachable for businesses in every way.

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