Press Release

2023’s fastest growing sonic brands in the UK: Playstation, Bella & Duke, JUST EAT and Amazon Prime Originals

SoundOut, the leading sonic branding and testing agency, has revealed that the fastest-growing sonic logos of the last two years are Playstation, Bella & Duke, JUST EAT and Amazon Prime Originals.

The findings have been revealed in The SoundOut Index 2023 – UK Edition, the largest ever tracking study of UK sonic brands, featuring a benchmarked sonic audit on 97 UK brands. It provides data on the effectiveness of sonic branding and marketing through in-depth research and analysis with over 150,000 consumers.  The full report can be downloaded from SoundOut’s website

70 of the brands have used a sonic logo for at least 2 years, enabling SoundOut to measure and rank those that are growing fastest in terms of recognition and attribution.  

The fastest-growing sonic brands

To measure the fastest growing sonic brands, the percentage of consumers who could, unprompted, name the brand in 2023 was compared to the 2021 result. The percentage uplift in attribution is a direct reflection of how successful each brand has been in increasing the direct link between the sonic logo and the brand itself over the period. The top 15 of the fastest growing sonic brands is here:

BrandIncrease in brand attribution 2021-2023
Bella & Duke8%
Amazon Prime Originals7%
Oak Furnitureland6%
Night Nurse5%
Old Spice4%
Sheila’s Wheels3%
Funky Pigeon3%

11 of the top 15 logos feature the brand name in the logo – which makes attribution significantly easier for consumers. However, none of the brands have grown attribution by more than 10% over the two year period, underlining how long it takes to embed a sonic logo in the public consciousness. 

Growth by demographic

The research also reveals that some brands have been more successful with some demographics over others. Bella & Duke, Just Eat and Amazon Prime have registered decent gains across both the 18-25 demographic and the 26+ demographic.

However, Playstation, Funky Pigeon and Moonpig have focused their very significant gains with the over 25 generation, while only recording modest gains (or even losses) with the under 25s. Oak Furnitureland, HSBC, Heart, Visa and Old Spice have been particularly successful in connecting with GenZ.

Other insights

The report also identifies the best known sonic brands in the UK, the fastest growing new sonic brands and the brands that are delivering most effectively on the music they use in their marketing. 

David Courtier-Dutton, CEO of SoundOut, said:

“Attribution is everything in sonic branding – and rapid growth in attribution is the cleanest metric to understand which brands are succeeding in creating that Pavlovian connection between the logo and the brand itself. Eight established brands have grown attribution by over 6% in the past 2 years, and only one of these does not have the brand name in the sonic logo.

“For some brands, increased – and decreased – attribution varies significantly by age demographic reflecting their marketing strategy priorities over the past 2 years.  Those brands targeting social engagement have been successful with Gen Z, those eschewing it are losing recognition and relevance with this demographic – particularly on TikTok, a music first platform that demands sonic engagement.”

The SoundOut Index 2023 – UK Edition is now available for free to download on SoundOut’s website.  


PR Contact

Matt Cartmell

Carta Communications


About SoundOut:

SoundOut is the world leader in strategic sonic branding and audio marketing testing. 

SoundOut works with many of the most iconic brands in the world (such as TikTok, Amazon, Toyota, DHL, Ford, Unilever and GSK) as well as all the major record labels and many leading radio groups. SoundOut specialises in helping organisations trigger the right emotional response from their customers by matching brand personality and attributes to music. As a result, SoundOut provides the data and insight needed by clients to increase the certainty of achieving a strong ROI from their audio branding and marketing investments. 

Clients use SoundOut’s unrivalled strategic sonic testing capabilities to identify the effectiveness potential of new sonic identities before they are launched and ensure that they resonate with the core brand personality.

SoundOut OnBrand, trained on over 500,000 music studies and leveraging the power of AI, now scales these capabilities to all use of music in brand marketing, enabling brands to index huge music catalogues and search them based on the personality, attributes or archetype of their brand.


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