PITTSBURGH, March 18, 2025 /PRNewswire/ — “I work as a commercial manager for a store and have encountered many situations where a customer needs an item but does not know the name or what it is and needs me to find it,” said an inventor, from Hampton, Ga. “I came up with an app idea to help customers find and purchase the item at the best price.”
The PANDORA’S BOX provides an easier way to locate and purchase items online at the best price. In doing so, it increases convenience. It also saves time and effort. Additionally, it would be easy to use.
PANDORA’S BOX is currently available for licensing or sale to manufacturers or marketers. For more information, visit www.pandorasboxapp.com. Or contact Cindie Duroseau at 678-933- 4666 or email [email protected].
SOURCE InventHelp