
How AI and Robotics Are Setting the Standard for Consumer Loyalty

Robotics and AI are revolutionizing virtually every industry – even hospitality and customer service. Building consumer loyalty in the digital era requires new approaches and technologies. AI and robotics are helping businesses build stronger connections with audiences and deliver cutting-edge experiences.

Robotics and AI Behind the Scenes

An important part of building consumer loyalty happens behind the scenes, where businesses decide what products and services to offer. Consumers remain loyal to businesses they feel consistently show an understanding of their audience.

This is how some companies build famously loyal communities, such as those of Apple, Starbucks, or Nike. Robotics and AI can transform behind-the-scenes processes, particularly research and development.

Market Research and Development

Artificial intelligence is excellent at analyzing massive amounts of data, including pictures and videos. This makes it invaluable for market research and product development.

Using AI, businesses can closely analyze online traffic surrounding their products and services. For example, consumers might post photos of products they’ve purchased, which can give insight into how real consumers are responding to new products. In fact, image recognition and analysis are already used on social media platforms to help tailor users’ feeds.

Similarly, AI can help track and analyze data surrounding the business’s social media campaigns and quarterly sales. While these processes could be performed manually, AI streamlines and automates data analysis and may even reveal insights that a human analyst might not have noticed.

The conclusions drawn from all of this AI-powered market research can inform better product and service design, which builds stronger connections with consumers.

Last-Mile Logistics

One of the hallmarks of Amazon’s brand is its industry-leading shipping speeds. Consumers continuously come back to Amazon for their online shopping because they know Amazon will deliver their products faster than anywhere else.

Amazon has created this strong consumer loyalty by mastering the art of last-mile logistics – and other businesses can implement the same strategies.

AI is a critical part of the entire shipping process. It can rapidly analyze the complex data of shipping logistics and extract the most efficient solutions. For example, industry experts have pointed out the effectiveness of AI-powered GPS devices that help last-mile delivery drivers find the fastest routes in real-time, as well as delivery robots that use socially aware navigation to reduce the number of large trucks on the roadways. 

AI can autonomously track traffic and weather conditions and compare them to a list of destinations needed in order to create the best possible route. As a bonus, more efficient delivery routes also save shipping companies money on fuel costs.

Customer-Facing Robotics and AI

Robotics and AI have the potential to transform interactions with consumers. This is especially true for businesses that are struggling with staffing shortages. Consumers are much more used to hospitality from AI and robots than they were several years ago. The technology has advanced significantly, as well, offering new applications for business.

Smart Recommendations

For an excellent example of AI at work, look no further than Netflix’s recommendation system.

The streaming service’s AI-powered smart recommendation system is extremely popular with consumers and instrumental to the company’s consumer loyalty. The AI algorithm uses machine learning to analyze the type of content viewers watch to learn what types of viewers like what types of content. This allows Netflix to offer perfect-match recommendations for new shows and movies for viewers to watch.

AI-powered smart recommendations can be used in any type of business with the right approach. Without AI, marketers have to use research and estimates to guess what products or services consumers might be interested in. In comparison, an AI can produce highly accurate, continuously updated recommendations. This builds consumer loyalty by showing consumers that a business understands them and what they are looking for.

AI Customer Service

Rudimentary pre-programmed chatbots have become legacy systems. Modern AI technology is capable of delivering a life-like, responsive customer service experience autonomously.

Natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) have evolved the capabilities of AI over recent years. Today, AI customer service algorithms are able to comprehend and replicate natural language.

These algorithms can answer virtually any question a customer might have with customized responses. This allows businesses with limited resources and team members to offer highly responsive customer service. AI can autonomously take care of most customers’ questions and concerns. Meanwhile, human customer service agents have more time to help customers with unique or complex concerns.

AI can also keep track of patterns in customer questions and issues. This helps businesses refine their products and services further.

Kiosks and Automated Hospitality

Utilizing robots for hospitality services is becoming increasingly popular, especially amidst rising staffing shortages. Robots can help build consumer loyalty by offering fast and responsive service that consumers can rely on. For example, rather than having a waiter take orders in a restaurant, customers can use a robotic kiosk instead. This reduces the wait time to order and makes it easy for customers to view menus and customize orders. Similarly, automated AI apps and websites are effective, as well.

Disney, famous for its brand loyalty, has implemented robotic and AI services extensively in its highly popular resorts and amusement parks. For example, guests no longer have to wait in line to speak with a staff member for Disney’s Genie and Lightning Lane park services. Instead, the whole system is automated through an AI smartphone app. Guests can buy special passes and schedule activities right from the app, which will give them personalized updates throughout the day.

In fact, the app’s AI can even predict attraction wait times in real-time and answer questions autonomously.

Next-Generation Consumer Loyalty

Consumer loyalty strategies are evolving rapidly. By innovating and adapting to changing technologies, businesses can provide cutting-edge experiences for their customers. AI and robotics are invaluable for learning more about consumers and meeting their needs and interests. Generating this understanding and offering responsive service will go a long way toward forming authentic connections with customers in the digital world.


  • April Miller

    April Miller is a senior AI writer at ReHack Magazine with more than three years of experience in the field of deep learning. April particularly enjoys breaking down complex AI topics for consumers and business professionals with actionable tips on how to use emerging technologies.

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