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This Cookie Notice outlines the use of cookies and tracking technologies by The AI Journal Ltd. (“the Company”) when users access its website and services. Please read this notice along with our Privacy Policy for a comprehensive understanding of how we handle your information. 

What Are Cookies and How Are They Used In The AI Journal? 

Cookies are small text files stored on your device that enable our website’s various functionalities and analytics activities. We use both first-party and third-party cookies, including: 

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies: Essential for website functionality and security. 
  • Information Storage and Access Cookies: We can store and retrieve information, such as device identifiers. 
  • Measurement and Analytics Cookies: Collect data to analyze website usage and improve user experience. 
  • Personalization Cookies: Customize user experience based on preferences. 
  • Content Selection and Delivery Cookies: Deliver personalized content. 
  • Ad Selection and Delivery Cookies: Track browsing habits for targeted advertising. 
  • Social Media Cookies: Facilitate social media sharing and track online activity. 

Cookie Management On The AI Journal

Users can manage cookie preferences through browser settings or opt-out mechanisms provided by analytics and advertising providers. Disabling cookies may affect website functionality, but it won’t disable other analytics tools. 

Browser Controls 

  • Google Chrome 
  • Apple Safari 
  • Mozilla Firefox 
  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 

Analytics Provider Opt-Outs 

  • Google Analytics Opt-Out 
  • Omniture’s Opt-Out 
  • Mixpanel’s Opt-Out 

Interest-Based Advertising Opt-Outs 

  • Digital Advertising Alliance (US, Canada, Europe, Australia) 
  • Opt-out pages of advertising providers like Google, Facebook, Twitter, Liveramp 

Mobile Settings and Connected Devices 

  • Manage ad tracking via device settings. 
  • Review settings on connected devices to disable ad tracking. 

Consequences of Deactivation 

Disabling cookies may impact website functionality, but information may still be collected for research and analytics purposes. 

Contact Us 

For inquiries regarding this Cookie Notice, contact us at email@aijourn.com or our legal department. 

Changes to This Notice 

This notice may be revised periodically to comply with legal requirements. Please check regularly for updates. 

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